Tag Archives: web-based document management system

Strategised Control Over Documents Using a Web-based Document Management System

The administration of the organisation is responsible for taking care of the documents and maintain retrievable records of them. Public sectors are a source of very confidential information that must be saved in security and in case of making it public, the information must be legally verified.

However, many humans are corrupt and some make mistakes, therefore, the DMS software here can plan a very effective role. It ensures that records remain safe in terms of evidence and also as a part of the administration.

Many a time it has happened that people need documents from the past for various purpose but the document management team might not be effective in bringing them to. Hence, archiving the files that do have a role to play in present can be a beneficial option. This is done by turning the old documents into digital format and saving them in the database.

The benefits of archiving document using a web-based document management system are,

1. Files remain secure – The paper document or files in other formats are bound to get lost over time. While when the same files are documented in digital form then it is assured that nothing can destroy them even over decades.

2. Instant hands on the information – The software has an advanced search option that offers to retrieve the oldest data in just a few minutes. However, we all know that this is not possible if the documents are piled up in a room.

3. Increased space – The best document management system has the ability to separately store the old data in a tamper-proof format. This helps in reducing the storage cost and leads to easy backups.

4. Less space requirement – Since the software is cloud-based, therefore, no physical space is needed to store the day and we all are aware of the infinite space on the internet. The digital archiving reduces the pain and efforts to store the data in physical format.

The best software development company sees the software as a means to reduce paperwork and efforts while enhancing the productivity of the employees so that the organisation can grow uninterruptedly.

If you want to reduce the cost and storage efforts of documents then archive files using a web-based document management system.

Importance of the Document Management System in the Banking Sector

The banking sector is the most magnanimous sector that deals with customers, papers, documents, and calculations every day. The balance sheets and calculations in a bank are inevitable even for the lousiest day. The banking sector has adopted so many technologies in order to provide better service to its customers.

The use of tech-savvy solutions has helped the sector to improve its productivity at a level which was unbelievable a few decades back. With the increasing number of the population getting associated with banks, it is only viable that banks need the document management system more than ever.


All the branches of the banks are not of the same size but the amount of work and process is the same. Therefore, the software can help in managing the process and sharing the information an easy task than what it is and used to be. The advanced features of the software have been found to help many authorities to deal with customer data in a more convenient and secure way.

Even today, many banks and branches have created a physical space to store the documents and more often or not they have to deal with the destruction of the data in case of calamities and mishaps. Moreover, the employees find themselves stuck in between the process because the document might either be worked upon by other staff or it must be on the way to be acquainted with another authority. This issue gets resolved with a web-based document management system.

With the help of the software, the industry can make more accurate calculations and enhance the reliability of customers. The improved customer service helps in bringing more people to the doorsteps and thus, greater progress of the sector. The software allows authorized access to the people and also help in tracing the illegal access that would have been made in the past.

The software helps in building trust among the customers so they make more investments in the bank. The software helps in cost-cutting which has been major in the industry because of the arrangement and management of documents. Keeping the benefits of the DMS software in mind, it is high time that the banking sector takes an initiation towards secure document management.

Being the largest industry among all, the banking sector needs a document management system more than ever to build trust among employees and lead secure storage of data.

Why Companies are Opting for Mobile-Friendly Web-Based Document Management System

If we were living a decade ago then probably the old mediums would have been fine but today, the world is no more confined to physical spaces and devices. In fact, mobile phones are more frequently used than laptops. The very simple reason is the smaller screens of today are capable of doing any task that a computer does. Hence, the mobile-friendly web-based document management system is becoming the talk of the town.

Let’s explore some other reasons behind its popularity,

1. Remote work authority – The software is utilized to store the documents in multiple versions. Now, it means that there is no need for carrying the system or papers around. Hence, the authorized users can do the work from anywhere and at any time.

2. Data capturing – The phones have a camera as well as the entire MS Office that allows us to click anytime. Now, if the DMS software can be accessed on phones then data can be entered right on the spot using the clicks or the office tools and then can be uploaded in the database using the internet.

3. Compatibility with other platforms – The mobile-friendliness of the software allow the system to be in sync with other software and systems and thus, security is enhanced as well as data sharing can be quick and the easiest.

4. Robust nature – The threat concerns attached to the human resource management software get resolved with the advanced sharing tools that ensure the encryption of the data when unauthorized access or breach is observed.

5. Better customer service – For any organisation, its customers come first. Now if the software is used than the sales and marketing team can easily rectify the problems shared by the customers and thus quick resolution would mean happy clientele.

The best software development company believes that opting DMS software can offer several advantages to the company in terms of increased productivity and sales. Book a free demo with GA Technocare Technology.

If you are looking the enhance your customer experience and productivity then adopt the web-based document management system.

Advantages of Document Management System Software in the Legal Industry

The legal industry is among the very few stores each and every data. It cannot work without scribbling the words on the paper and then making amendments as the days and hearings pass by.

If we suppose a case then every statement, every hearing, and every spoken word between the two parties get written to ensure that no decision shall be taken under influence but by considering all the evidence.

Such an industry can sure make the best out of a document management system software. The multiple revisions and editions of the same document can be saved securely in cloud-based software.

documnt mngmnt software

Here are a few keynotes that will help to understand how the legal industry can draw maximum benefits from a DMS software,

1. The well-organised structure – The streamlined architecture of the software helps in creating folders and sub-folders with documents added in the proper format. The pre-defined layout reduces the time to add the information and speeds up the procedure.

2. The encrypted file storage – Unlike the existence of the files in papers and systems, the software encodes the files so that people unauthorized access cannot get their hands on the files and later the content. This is the biggest advantage for the industry.

3. Advanced search option – The web-based document management system allows users to make quick research and find the oldest documents in a matter of time. Using the meta-data it becomes super easy to reduce the time of rummaging through the files for old evidence and statements.

4. Records of editions and multiple version storage – It is often necessary that a document shall be accessed by many. Also, multiple people can make editions in it. The DMS software keeps the record of who accessed the document, for how long was it accessed, who made the edits, and how many versions exist.

5. Document retention – There is always a fear of losing the documents. This is addressed very responsibly the software. It saves the back data and makes it easier for users to retrieve it.

6. Secure sharing – Sharing of data may involve breaches in the process. But the best software development company in India says that adding the security and making the sharing easy is the prime functionality that is integrated into the software.

The legal firms must try out the software and then decide if they can have the best use of it.


If you have a legal firm then you must know how difficult it is to maintain and retrieve the data. Try the document management system software and draw benefits from it.