Tag Archives: HR management

Revelation of Trends of HR Management System Trends

The HR management system is renowned in offices as the stealer of jobs of the entire Human Resource department. Whereas on the other hand, the developers have proved it to be a medium to reduce the load from the department and help them function efficiently.

The software helps the department to keep records securely and carry out accurate calculations. It is meant not to steal the jobs but to create better opportunities and work environment in the space.

Let’s reveal the trends of the software,

1. It helps in studying the employees – Before hiring any employee, it is essential that you do background research on how that employee functions and how was his performance in the previous organisation. The software helps in connecting with the new resumes on a more personal level.

2. It helps in building stronger a relationship – Many companies hire and fire employees because either they do not find the work of the employee satisfactory or they are still talent hunting. In such cases, the HR software helps in shortlisting the talented resumes.

3. It influences a positive work culture – The software helps in building better communication among employees and thus, better work environment gets developed in the office space that efficiency and productivity of employees increase.

4. It helps to track the performance of employees – The software is not only smart but it is advanced as it helps in tracking the work of various employees. Thus, the performance, creativity, and hard work of every employee can be tracked easily. Therefore, partial promotions and increments can be prevented.

5. It helps in smooth recruitment – The web-based HR software helps in leading a smooth recruitment process while helping the team to make the accurate calculation in payroll and managing the leaves in a hassle-free way.

The aforementioned trends are the primary reasons for owners to go ahead and opt the software for their prestigious organisations. Hire the best talent for your company with HR software solutions by GA Technocare Technology Pvt Ltd.

If you want to improve the efficiency of the HR department and create a positive working environment for your employees then select the web-based HR software.

Why Companies are Opting for Mobile-Friendly Web-Based Document Management System

If we were living a decade ago then probably the old mediums would have been fine but today, the world is no more confined to physical spaces and devices. In fact, mobile phones are more frequently used than laptops. The very simple reason is the smaller screens of today are capable of doing any task that a computer does. Hence, the mobile-friendly web-based document management system is becoming the talk of the town.

Let’s explore some other reasons behind its popularity,

1. Remote work authority – The software is utilized to store the documents in multiple versions. Now, it means that there is no need for carrying the system or papers around. Hence, the authorized users can do the work from anywhere and at any time.

2. Data capturing – The phones have a camera as well as the entire MS Office that allows us to click anytime. Now, if the DMS software can be accessed on phones then data can be entered right on the spot using the clicks or the office tools and then can be uploaded in the database using the internet.

3. Compatibility with other platforms – The mobile-friendliness of the software allow the system to be in sync with other software and systems and thus, security is enhanced as well as data sharing can be quick and the easiest.

4. Robust nature – The threat concerns attached to the human resource management software get resolved with the advanced sharing tools that ensure the encryption of the data when unauthorized access or breach is observed.

5. Better customer service – For any organisation, its customers come first. Now if the software is used than the sales and marketing team can easily rectify the problems shared by the customers and thus quick resolution would mean happy clientele.

The best software development company believes that opting DMS software can offer several advantages to the company in terms of increased productivity and sales. Book a free demo with GA Technocare Technology.

If you are looking the enhance your customer experience and productivity then adopt the web-based document management system.

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How RPO Service Provider GATT Stays Best for Talent Acquisition?

Transferring recruitment activities to external RPO Service Provider has become a congenial way to fulfil the recruitment needs of organization.  GA technocare technology is one such RPO service provider who takes ownership of your recruitment process to bring quality candidates and to save crucial hours of human resource department.

RPO service

There are numerous recruitment process outsourcing companies in India. However, GATT has emerged as one of the fastest growing RPO service provider company, which have great pool of recruiters. This pool is trained to work with variety of clients and various domains. There are abundance of multi-national companies who deal with high volume of recruitment needs.

In order to accomplish high volume of recruitment needs, companies choose to outsource their entire recruitment process. First, RPO company analyses and understand the function of organization. Thereafter, the Company coordinates with candidates for interview who may justify the open positions.

RPO services are considered cost-effective, and this is why organisations head to RPO services. It directly helps to reduce the recruiting cost of the company. Moreover, it frees up the HR department from extensive and complex recruitment process. Consequently, the company and the HR department can focus on their core work.

Occasionally, companies expand new departments that need additional staff. The HR department of company is not capable to fulfil the vacancies on large scale. RPO service provider already has structures in place to accomplish immediate hiring needs under deadlines. Reduction in time to hire is another key benefit of Recruitment Process Outsourcing Companies in India. Even, you can save money that you invest on direct advertising. Hence, to fulfil recruitment needs, then approach GATT directly.

Why Recruitment Process Outsourcing Services Are Necessary For Business Growth?

Get quality talent and reduce recruiting cost by transferring all recruitment activities to GA technocare technology, which is a notable Recruitment Process Outsourcing Company in India. The corporate HR departments do not have time to devote on hiring influx of candidates. Thus, companies around the country choose to outsource their recruitment process. In this regard, GATT offers result driven RPO service Providers by covering all recruitment needs of organisations. The company steps in recruitment process, and manages screening, sourcing, testing, interviewing, orientation and offer letters.


In order to compete with counterparts, companies are expanding their business to grow faster. So, the demand of hiring employees have picked up. Accordingly, the HR departments have started to outsource recruitment process to get quality talent. When it comes to other internal benefits of outsourcing recruitment services, RPO services can save up to fifty percent cost that is spent on recruitments. It also helps to create diverse choices of candidates.

By outsourcing recruitment process, recruiting capacity also increases. In other words, it helps to accelerate the recruitment process by hiring elite talent. We play important role in spreading your company brand among people. It gives leverage to business. Thus, our company closely works with HR departments to meet your business objectives. Along with companies, it becomes easier for the candidates to get the best job options.


Check How RPO Services in India Work for Hiring of Best Talents for Different Industries

With the growth of entrepreneurship, RPO Services India have started to diversify as the need of right talent is always on a rise. Keeping this aspect into consideration, Recruitment Process Outsourcing in India is experiencing a steady growth phase. Whether it is for a mid-cap company or high level recruitment, this system of recruitment works great. It functions multi-dimensionally and deploys the right staff in companies.


There are multitude of options made available by RPO service providers. Recruiters go through the right procedures and do recruitment of right staff as is desired by companies. The recruitment managers do everything starting from analysis to selection of eligible candidates. Every candidate is put through intense recruitment processes and are hired into different companies.

GA Technocare Technology has a highly professional team of RPO recruiters who know exactly how to go about the process and hire the best talent for an industry. It can be for IT domains, media houses, customer service, sales and other domains. Candidates are hired based on their talent, skill and experience. An initial telephonic round is done following which suitable candidates are sent for the final rounds of interviews. Only the best talents in an industry are hired and placed suitably.

With the growth of Recruitment Process Outsourcing Companies in India, candidates are hired for industries not just in India but also abroad. The service providers do everything needed in different capacities with regular phone calls and e-mailing to reach out to the most deserving candidates.

Why Recruitment Processing Outsourcing in India is becoming so popular?

Outsourcing is undoubtedly playing a necessary role in rapid growth of many businesses. In recent years, Recruitment Processing Outsourcing in India has emerged as one of the biggest need for many companies who want to reduce recruitment hiring cost, time taken and to provide better candidates. It’s a form of business where a company transfers its entire recruitment process to external and professional RPO Service Providers. 

A global scenario states that most of the Indian companies choose to outsource the recruitment process to get qualified candidates in less time. Outsourcing RPO services help to decentralise the office work so that companies can focus on their underlying work. It not only helps the company, it also helps to deploy the candidate at right place. RPO works on behalf of the company, even if it represents the company.

Recruitment process depends on the quality of team you have set-up. Thus, GA Technocare Technology has set-up a team of top-performing employees who can meet your needs and deliver ensured results. Our recruitment team first identifies candidates, thereafter, it reviews them, on the final stage, and it selects right candidates before sending them for interview. Our company do not charge any placement fees to candidates.

Besides, there are many advantages of RPO, such as it is cost effective, there is flexibility of staff, quick results, predictable expenditures, etc. We directly concentrates on targeted vacancies, and try to fulfil it with right candidates. Our company has also evolved in the business of It Software Services. So, if you want to know more about RPO service and IT Software Services, then you can directly head to our company’s website.