Tag Archives: Human resource management software

Human Resource Management System Solution for Small Business

Human resource is the most important asset of any enterprise. Without employees, an enterprise is nothing. Therefore, for the small as well as large scale industries, it is very important to manage and organise their human resources in the right order.

Keeping these essential requisites in mind a custom software development company has developed a human resource management system. However, many small scale companies often do not feel the need to use the software but the case is different. No matter what is the size of the company, keeping tracks of the employees is very important.

human resource management software

The HRMS software has many advanced tools and features that help in running the business smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, businesses must invest in the software.
Let’s walk through the features that are helpful for the companies,

1. Easier communication channel – Any company that lacks in communication can never grow. However, the HR software for small business helps in enhancing the communication between the company and the employees. It is a portal through which the essential information including the notice and data can be exchanged between the employees and HR department.

2. Cost-effective – A lot of companies have to hire HRs and along with the accountants. An entire setup of a whole other department means more people have to be paid at the end of every month. The software helps in reducing this cost. One software can be maintained by one or two people. The leaves can be managed, payroll can be calculated, and accounts can be managed with a single click and in a lesser amount of time.

3. Efficient management of employees – It is essential for the team of HR to effectively manage the employees and share details that are essentials for the companies as well as the workers. The human resource management software helps in carrying out a number of tasks simultaneously and with higher efficiency than one can do manually.

The aforementioned reasons are enough for the small scale businesses to opt for the software and retain their employees with effective communication.

Human resource management software by custom software development company is an effective solution to resolve the communication gaps among the employees.

Why Companies are Opting for Mobile-Friendly Web-Based Document Management System

If we were living a decade ago then probably the old mediums would have been fine but today, the world is no more confined to physical spaces and devices. In fact, mobile phones are more frequently used than laptops. The very simple reason is the smaller screens of today are capable of doing any task that a computer does. Hence, the mobile-friendly web-based document management system is becoming the talk of the town.

Let’s explore some other reasons behind its popularity,

1. Remote work authority – The software is utilized to store the documents in multiple versions. Now, it means that there is no need for carrying the system or papers around. Hence, the authorized users can do the work from anywhere and at any time.

2. Data capturing – The phones have a camera as well as the entire MS Office that allows us to click anytime. Now, if the DMS software can be accessed on phones then data can be entered right on the spot using the clicks or the office tools and then can be uploaded in the database using the internet.

3. Compatibility with other platforms – The mobile-friendliness of the software allow the system to be in sync with other software and systems and thus, security is enhanced as well as data sharing can be quick and the easiest.

4. Robust nature – The threat concerns attached to the human resource management software get resolved with the advanced sharing tools that ensure the encryption of the data when unauthorized access or breach is observed.

5. Better customer service – For any organisation, its customers come first. Now if the software is used than the sales and marketing team can easily rectify the problems shared by the customers and thus quick resolution would mean happy clientele.

The best software development company believes that opting DMS software can offer several advantages to the company in terms of increased productivity and sales. Book a free demo with GA Technocare Technology.

If you are looking the enhance your customer experience and productivity then adopt the web-based document management system.

What Should be the Criteria to Select an HR Management Software?

The best human resource management software is the one that not only promises to make things automated but actually helps in automating the working model of the HR department. It must help in all the risk involving tasks like data storing, payroll calculations, reporting procedures, etc.

The most important task of an HRM system is to maintain the communication between the employees and help the business to hire and retain their best employees.

Since an HRMS software plays such an important role in any organisation, therefore, its selection process must be very detailed. Only after studying it thoroughly, a business owner shall select the software.

human resource management software

Let’s run through the selection criteria for an HR management software,

1. Authorized access to various modules – Not all businesses are of the same strength in terms of a number of employees. Therefore, the software must have the feature to provide authorized access to the various employees. The facility to turn on and off a certain functionality helps the SEMs to use the software as per the present scenarios.

2. Report generation – A good HR software must generate a report about how many people are using the software and whether something is working for the employees or not. It will help in making future modifications.

3. Data reconciliation – A software should be compatible with other desktop software and must be able to fetch, store, and export the data in the defined format so that the receiver can access it.

4. High adaptation bar – A software must be adjustable and scalable in response to the needs of an organisation. It must have aspects to grow with demands and supply of the employees and data.

5. User-friendly interface – A software development company has conducted research and says that if the software is not intuitive and friendly in terms of the usage then employees will not be drawn towards it and use it for day-to-day tasks.

Therefore, it is important to consider all these aspects before purchasing a software so that you may not have to regret in future and it can also help in the company’s growth and development.

Looking to purchase or develop an HR management software? Read the blog to understand the selection criteria for human resource management software.

Future of Human Resource Management Software Predicted by Experts

A human resource management software is a one-end solution to all the core HR functionalities. It is time-saving and contributes to an organisation growth by providing functionalities like payroll calculation, benefits in the recruitment sector, and advantages in maintaining a hierarchy and attendance.

The leading qualities of the software make it among the best options for the small to large scale industries with a very few to very large employee scale. Its features to address deliberately complex and time-consuming tasks with single click and quick end response has lead many industrialists to adopt the software for their business.


Let’s see what experts have to say about the future of the human resource management system,

• Marc Rind (Chief Data Scientist at ADP) believes that with the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning the investment in accessing a huge amount of data on mobile phones has created ample opportunities for the companies to improve. Therefore, this is next direction where an HRMS software should move in order to allow accessibility on smaller screens so that users can find it efficient to communicate and utilize the data accordingly.

• Jason Gadron (President at PurelyHR) believes that in today’s fast pacing world, big data plays a very crucial role. In software like HRMS accessing so much data can help the examiners to analyse the behaviours of employees, their expectations, and their reactions in various situations. Thus, helping the employers to offer better job opportunities and environment which will result in growth and better decision making.

• Parijat Sarkar (Senior Director of Product Management at Zenefits) says that in today’s scenario when rebellion against social norms is open, such a software is a boon for any organisation. People can trace the efforts put in by various employees and promote them on the grounds of their hard work rather than their gender roles.

Any software development company that gets hired for developing an HRMS or going to develop their own product must make sure that the latest technical aspects are met by the software.


Are you looking to develop or buy a human resource management software? Read the blog to understand the future aspects of the software.

How Human Resource Management Software Streamlines HR Functions?

As business activities are getting streamlined with the use of software. Human Resource Management Software is one such software that has streamlined human resource department by archiving employee details on its centralised database.

HR department is considered as one of the busiest departments of company, where HR managers stay occupied in carrying out various activities manually, which is actually a tough job for HR managers. Considering this issue, HRMS came into existence. It has altered the way of performing various activities. In this way, payroll is one of the complex HR activities which brings HR manager into massive problems. By managing manually payroll system, chances of error remain higher. Human Resource Management Software has eradicated this issue by automating the payroll system.

Authorising employees to update their personal information using its Employee self-service feature is one best of the things about this software. Moreover, leave management and attendance management are another activities that it performs. Coming to other specialities of HRMS software, it can be configured easily into your organisation. Its advanced search feature helps to find the information quickly. In addition, users find it simple to use because of its easy and intuitive interface. Its dashboard can be customised as per the requirement. As it’s a flexible software, it is easy to integrate with existing software of organisation.

Besides installing this software in your organisation, the company provides post delivery services so that user may not face any hindrance while operating it. Therefore, if you want us to develop customised Human Resource Management Software, instantly approach us.

How to Manage Workforce Using Human Resource Management Software?

Human Resource Management Software is a dedicated utility to manage and track workforce in a company. Simply, it creates a database on shared server from where HR department and targeted employees can access required allotted information. This software provides an easy way to store and access data anytime from anywhere. Being an IT Company, GA Technocare Technology offers this software at an affordable cost.

As Human Resource Management Software is enriched with a security feature, it keeps information within it in purely encrypted form. No one can access data without providing valid credentials. This feature saves company from data theft to prevent further consequences such as financial harm.

Human Resource Management System is a computer-oriented process. The software runs on system to execute full functions. It scans each document and creates a soft copy to upload it to the server. It inherits Optical Character Recognition feature that makes the user capable of searching any required document just by typing related keyword. It saves the valuable time of the user and consequently improves the productivity of company.

HRMS Software stores documents digitally and saves physical space that could be occupied by stationery items and gigantic shelves. It can be said that HRMS saves time and space of company along with a significant amount. Considering advantages of this system, it has become an essential part of every business. It has moderated the management of documents to the effortless action.

How Does Human Resource Management Software Assist in Managing Workforce?

Human Resource Management Software is a dedicated utility to maintain workforce in a company. This utility works with the objective of supplying required human resources for an uninterrupted running of the company. As key features of this software are quite useful, it has become an intrinsic part of every business. Being an IT Company, GA Technocare Technology delivers this product at an affordable cost.

Human Resource Management Software is a computer-oriented tool and needs system so that you can access its features. Tracking performance of employees becomes easier by this software that increases the productivity of business as a result.

In Human Resource Management, details of every employee such as academic qualification, designation, skill, experience, and performance are stored on a dedicated server so that you can access them anytime according to the need. As it stores data in encrypted form, no unscrupulous person can access details of employees without your permission for security purpose. These data seem to be useful at the time of promoting employees.

Human Resource Management is a core responsibility of HR department. This software reduces the workload of HR by managing resources automatically. It provides an exact estimation of required staff to ensure a continuous supply of workforce. As it stores data on a server digitally, saves a significant physical space of company that could be occupied by big shelves supposed to keep documents. In nutshell, this software saves time, money, physical space, and efforts of company and provides more productivity.

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How Human Resource Management System Software Justifies Your Organisational Needs?

Behind any successful organisation, well-organised human resource department plays a crucial role. In order to digitalise human resource department, GA Technocare Technology has introduced Human Resource Management System Software that caters payroll system, leave management, recruitment management, attendance management, performance management system, HR analytics, reimbursement and employee self-service.


Earlier, organisations used to deploy big team of employees to manage above given functions. Since organisations have added HRMS software in functioning of HR department, productivity of company has increased unexpectedly.

The world is going through rapid transformation especially in terms of technology. Human resource management system software is a perfect example of transformation which has indeed transformed the functioning of Human resource department, as entire HR department has digitised.

HRMS is basically a fully hosted and comprehensive solution. This cloud-based system has streamlined the employee history in company’s database in a systematic way. Besides, it has enormously simplified work of accountants who used to waste huge time in employee payroll system. Payroll system is considered to be a complicated system in organizations. Human resource management system software can easily handle the complexities of payroll system. It automatically calculates salary, reimbursements, bonus, loans and taxes.

HRMS automatically creates figures and reports without any errors. HRMS software is designed considering needs and priorities of organizations. So, if you also want this software for your organization, you just need to share your organizational needs and requirements. On the basis of it, our company develops human resource management system software. Literally, GA Technocare Technology has strong team to accomplish your HRMS project.