Tag Archives: Electronic Document Management System Software

A Guide to the Brief by an Application Development Company

If you want to develop software and looking for an application development company to build it then it is very important to find one that understands your business specifications and requirements. This helps to ensure that the end product will suffice to all the needs for which it is being created.

A brief here plays an important role. It explains the specifications that will be taken into consideration while developing the software. Especially in bespoke software development, it is very much required to enlist the priority and unique specifications.


In order to turn your vision into reality, firstly a business needs a software development company that has experienced team of developers who have worked on a similar concept or technology before. If you go on searching for the best software development company in India then you will come across several companies stating themselves to be the outstanding one.

However, it is only after the discussion, requirement gathering, proposal draftings, and briefs that define whether the company is best or not. Here is the work of briefs come into play. When a client notes down all the essential aspects of development, that makes it easier for the developer to understand the scope and make recommendations.

A brief usually consists of,

1. An overview captures all – An overview provides the gist of the requirements and problems that will be solved with the development of the software.

2. Personas defining the end-user – It defines the people using the software and how they will access it to solve the problems that initially they were facing.

3. Specifics – It defines the specific features and functionalities to be integrated into the software. It also defines the interface of the software to make it easier for the developer to understand who everything will be connected and proceed.

4. Delivery – This defines the expected timeframe in which the task has to be completed and deployed to the client to be made available for the end-user to use it.

For example, a brief for document management system software would include the fundamentals of the software and how it will make easier for the people to organise the files and save unlimited revised versions. It will also define the entries and other end-users who can make the best use of the software. Then the specifics part will define the specific features of monitoring and accessibility. Lastly, the timeline for development when an SME can start using the software.

Like all people are not the same, similar is the case with the software development agencies. Therefore, in order for the team to understand the business plan, it is important to provide a brief to them.

Description:- A brief is an important aspect for taking the discussion forward between the client and an application development company. Read the blog to know what a brief must contain.

Why GATT is an Appropriate Option to Obtain Digital DMS System Software?

Since the complexities in business processes have been started to increase, Digital Document Management System Software has become popular among business communities. The new invention of IT professionals, DMS software integrates the business processes in order to streamline it. This software owns a comprehensive and common database, where a large volume of documents can be kept in encrypted form.


DMS Software is a scientific technique to take control of the businesses by consolidating business documents at single platform so that monitoring can be made easy. Having documents at encrypted database helps in seamless flow of data and information across the various departments. Strategies that were used to implement manually can be done automatically using this software system. Its cutting-edge features have automated the entire business process. On the other hand, the company has made this software in a customised way considering specific business needs.

In event of system crashes, documents stay safe as the documents are being stored on its cloud-storage. Keeping documents on cloud-storage helps to get a remote access to documents. Using any internet connected device, one can get direct access to documents. Cloud-Based Document Management Software has the variants of function modules, where documents can be stored in an aligned way according to its type.

We, GA Technocare Technology invite all IT professionals who operate a business in order to share specific business needs so that a full-fledged Digital Document Management System Software can be designed and developed for you. To make you familiar with software functionality, we provide a live demo of software.

Use Electronic Document Management System Software to Centralise Business Information and Documents

The main objective of Electronic Document Management System Software crafted by GA technocare technology is to accelerate workflow of company by centralising company document under one roof. Its common database contains vast storage space, where one can store entire sensitive documents of company in an encrypted form. Keeping employee ease into notice, this software stores information in a well-organised way by indexing the document managing metadata.


Here is a list of top advantages of adopting and implementing Digital Document Management Software in the organisation;

  • It has improved collaboration between the associated departments
  • Document security has been improved with the advent of DMS software
  • DMS software provides central access to all documents
  • It’s a cost-effective software
  • Holds the calibre to accelerate work processes
  • Provide cloud-storage to protect the document in event of system crashes

In this contemporary world, every business seeks to stay ahead with its competitors by implementing advanced software. Electronic Document Management System Software is one such software system that has helped to increase the work capacity of company to a big extent. This software has played vital role in reducing human effort by automating most of the business functions.

GA Technocare Technology has put all resources and latest technologies to make this software more advanced so that functions of business can be performed in a faster way. The credit of developing state-of-the-art DMS Software goes to a team of developers established by GATT. Hence, if you are an entrepreneur, or an established business professional who want to manage and organise expanding volume of documents, kindly have candid chat with our expert’s team.



Implement Digital Document Management System Software to Empower your Business

In an endeavour to empower the business operations, Digital Document Management System Software is supposed to become a game changer. Even, companies that are using this software have been seen consistent positive changes in the functioning of business.


This is much more than just a cloud storage. It has many advanced features that narrate the story of its importance on professional front. Performing financial and accounting activities manually is the tale of past days. Arrival of this software has reduced the human efforts to a big extent. Now, complex accounting and financial activities can be performed automatically using Cloud Based Document Management Software designed by GATT.

By automating accounting and financial activities, organisations have experienced many benefits. First, it has reduced the cost spent on workforce hired for doing accounting tasks. Seconds, it has saved significant business hours. In addition, chances of errors in the work have been minimised by using the Digital Document Management System Software. Most importantly, adoption of this software is the reason that companies are going paperless.

Integrating data on common platform provided by DMS software has improved the coordination and flow of information between the associate departments. Capturing, integrating, managing, sharing, reviewing, distributing data is the core function of Electronic Document Management System Software.

This software also gives you a freedom of accessing information from anywhere and anytime through internet-connected devices. Our company ensures that this software will not break your budget, which remains a major concern of companies. Because we have our own resources to develop this software. Hence, obtaining DMS Software from GATT would be your smartest decision so far.

What are Key Features of a DMS Software that make it an Intrinsic Element of a Business?

GA Technocare Technology brings DMS Software at an incredibly affordable cost. This software is able to store every single offline document file on a dedicated centralized server digitally. This software has eased the way earlier documents were stored on system.DMS S


As any document be a part of your company, Digital Document Management System Software makes sure that a soft copy of the document is uploaded instantly to the server so that it can be used anytime by employees of the company. This software keeps every document in pure encrypted form, no unauthorized user can visit documents. Documents can be accessed only after providing the required credentials.

Being a Cloud Based Document Management Software, this allows users to access data anytime. The only condition is, the device must be connected to the internet so that the user can reach to the central server. The security feature of this software allows to control the viewing of documents and you can decide that which document can be seen by which user or employee.

DMS Software has proved to be cost-effective. It saves you from buying pin, paper, register, notepad, pencil, stapler, folders, and shelves. It saves physical space too and keeps documents for the longer time depending upon its need. Another prominent feature is, in case of storage crash, your data will remain safe on a central server. You can access them at the time of need. Considering these features, this software has become a necessary part of any business.

Why Electronic Document Management System Software Is An Easy, Efficient And Affordable Software?

Adopted by industry segments, Electronic Document Management System Software introduced by GA technocare technology is packed with high and powerful functionalities to store, manage and organise your all documents at one single platform.


When it comes to its use in HR management, it automates the key functions of HR including leave management and payroll management. The team of developers at GATT has done long research before developing this software. Thus, you do not find any lapses in the software. This software has simple and handy interface. Moreover, this Web Based Document Management Software stores your documents on cloud, which protects the documents in the event of system crashes and network failures. In addition, you get instant and easy access to data due to its powerful search feature.

This Cloud Based Document Management Software has various folders and subfolders for categorising organisational documents according to its type and size. In long run, it helps to generate reports and trails, which can be needed for many purposes. Its strong integration capabilities help to integrate the software with other software. Our DMS software provides great flexibility to the business. Therefore, it is successfully adopted by numbers of organisations in passing years.

This software can be integrated with existing system of company and previous activities also can be retrieved using this software. If you are the one who is seeking for Electronic Document Management System Software for long, you can request for the Demo for DMS software. Our team of developers quickly responds and provides demo of the software whenever you want.