Tag Archives: online document management software

Use Electronic Document Management System Software to Centralise Business Information and Documents

The main objective of Electronic Document Management System Software crafted by GA technocare technology is to accelerate workflow of company by centralising company document under one roof. Its common database contains vast storage space, where one can store entire sensitive documents of company in an encrypted form. Keeping employee ease into notice, this software stores information in a well-organised way by indexing the document managing metadata.


Here is a list of top advantages of adopting and implementing Digital Document Management Software in the organisation;

  • It has improved collaboration between the associated departments
  • Document security has been improved with the advent of DMS software
  • DMS software provides central access to all documents
  • It’s a cost-effective software
  • Holds the calibre to accelerate work processes
  • Provide cloud-storage to protect the document in event of system crashes

In this contemporary world, every business seeks to stay ahead with its competitors by implementing advanced software. Electronic Document Management System Software is one such software system that has helped to increase the work capacity of company to a big extent. This software has played vital role in reducing human effort by automating most of the business functions.

GA Technocare Technology has put all resources and latest technologies to make this software more advanced so that functions of business can be performed in a faster way. The credit of developing state-of-the-art DMS Software goes to a team of developers established by GATT. Hence, if you are an entrepreneur, or an established business professional who want to manage and organise expanding volume of documents, kindly have candid chat with our expert’s team.



Why DMS Software is so Applauded on professional front?

The Digital Document Management System Software has eased the business operations by placing digital data at one centralised location, which is identified as encrypted database. Since GATT has introduced this software, organisations are taking this software hand to hand. Because this software has simplified the business process at big extent. Moreover, it has vanished the paper-based records system by digitalising the process of storing documents.


The decision to implement Cloud Based Document Management Software has provided the opportunities to manage the business in a better way. An average employees waste crucial office hours on finding required documents. By placing documents in an aligned way, it becomes easy to get instant access to data. In addition, it has an advanced search feature. Users only need to enter the document title associated with file. In this way, users can get direct access to data. Moreover, Digital Document Management System Software contains the features of quick data sharing to multiple business software and to improve the workflow & productivity of the organisation.

DMS Software also provides you a quick review of existed files, file expiration, approval and rejections of files, email notifications, etc.  Similarly, it also offers a secure URL feature. This light-weighted software can be obtained and installed easily by contacting GATT’s team of developers.

Coming to security and control features of this software, it’s important for the businesses to secure the business information to sustain and grow it. The Cloud-Based Document Management Software provides secure storage to your business documents by adding protection wall to your digital documents.

What Makes Document Management Software So Interesting?

Document Management Software is a tool developed to increase the ability of computer users to store files in a responsible way. This tool plays an active role in getting files stored on a server with ease. The files that are stored prominently help to meet the storage requirements of users. Documents are first uploaded on the software and stored on a server in an extension that is most suited.


This software secures the stored files with a password that makes it literally impossible for a hacker to get access of stored data on the server. The best part is all kinds of files can be uploaded and stored on a server and protected with a password.

The DMS is ingeniously developed and serve the purpose of storing large number of documents. It does that in an organized way so that for every category formed, files are created and stored on a cloud. This cloud based tool allows downloading of data record from anywhere in the world to any computer. So, this is how document management system works and it brings relief to people from the worry of losing files.

This software makes a number of things possible which never used to be possible earlier on. People have become a real fan of this GA Technocare Technology’s software as it makes document management easier. This software can be an asset for all if tried. So, it is recommended to get this tool downloaded. Its installation is easy and the paid version of the DMS is really rewarding.

Increase Efficiency by Digitising Backlog of Files with the Use of Digital Document Management System

GA technocare technology is delighted to unearth the sophisticated Digital Document Management System Software, which is considered technically very advanced. It’s a one-stop solution for successful business operations. Large corporations incorporate backlog of files, which remain difficult to maintain manually. Keeping document in paper form occupies huge office space. Even, it creates problems while tracking the required documents.


The Document Management System eases users to store, manage, share, and distribute documents in digital form, which can be modified by authorised users on regular basis. Its advanced search feature allows users to easily access to files so that users may efficiently perform daily tasks in office. Document indexing is another key feature of this software. Users can index the documents in organized way so that they can be tracked easily in future. Once everything gets digital in an organization, then indeed, efficiency of the organization increases.

When it comes to usability, then it has resounding user dashboard with simple and handy interface, which is easy to navigate for non-techno-savvy users. As the business moves on, company’s requirements start to emerge. Alongside, every company has its own specific requirements too. Our digital document management system can be customized easily. Users need to let us know about their specific requirements. This software supports all important file formats.

Thanks to this cloud-based system, which secures the stored documents in its central database. This software provides high-level security to documents against cyber-attacks. GATT has set-up developers who have designed this advanced software for worldwide business professionals. This cost-effective solution has increased collaboration between employees by providing instant and easy to access information.

How Document Management System Can be Used to Safely Store Files?

The Digital document Management System is a tool developed with the idea and purpose of safely storing files and documents. This software uploads files on a server and keeps them protected with a password. It is really fulfilling to use this software as all kinds of files and documents can be uploaded and stored on a server for future use.


With Document Management System any kind of file can be easily managed. Upload, storing and ease of access are what makes this software highly remarkable to use. Documents of any type can be safely uploaded and brought to use. The best part is the software allows a secure access to the user only. Documents uploaded can be shared with others based on desirability and need. The secure FTP protocol is brought to use to get the file transfer done.

GA Technocare Technology has gone a long way to have developed this tool for the sake of all. It is certainly going to mitigate problems associated with storing documents in a cloud and sharing them with others. This software helps to build in confidence among people and it takes things to the next level of experience. The software meets all security standards because of which it can be safely used to store any confidential files. Therefore, to use this tool is necessary and people can really rely on it to meet a safe file storing purpose. The company has developed this tool keeping the need of people in mind. Now, users can safely and securely share files with others.

Document Management System – Stores and Manages Files with Full Security

The Digital Document Management System is a software developed for the purpose to help in proper management of documents. This tool has the charisma to make things workable and to help in effective organization of documents. With the help of this tool, documents are uploaded in a cloud and stored on a server. This software is developed with the purpose of not just storing files but also to enhance security level of stored files.


This tool is highly effective in good organization when it comes to document management. Multiple files and documents can be uploaded on a server and the user is allowed to view them anytime. As the number of files uploaded can be many in number, so this software’s user-friendliness is highly admired. It allows to keep a log of uploaded files in different categories. So, people get a reason to stay tuned and to keep uploading files in different categories. The Document Management System also allows sharing of uploaded documents with others over FTP protocols by using its ‘share document’ option.

The tool is vivid for it allows multiple uploads with simple drag and drop facility. The security level is highly magnified with access rights given only to the user. No can breach the security layer offered by this tool. So, phishers and others do not get the chance to interfere or hack documents. This is how uploaded files remain protected forever. This tool has the capacity to manage files with a finesse and it helps bring great relief to users by keeping them tension-free.

Document Management System – Built Innovatively to Help Manage Documents Better

Storing documents on a server in a secure way is now made possible by the Digital Document Management System. This software has the caliber to upload and store any number of files that can later on be retrieved or opened with ease. File management becomes a lot easier with the use of this software.


Some innovative codes are brought into use that makes using this software all the more beneficial. Any file can be instantly uploaded and stored with the aid of the software. It provides a security coverage that is impossible to breach. So, there remains no possibility for any file to be copied, printed or downloaded with ease by an intruder. This software takes charge of files uploaded and keeps them highly protected from phishers. Documents are password protected and so no one can have an access to the docs uploaded.

GA Technocare Technology’s endeavor to develop this innovative Document Management System has certainly helped to introduce a new trend in file management. This tool allows taking care of common problems like lost documents, security problems, and unmanageable documents. Old and new files can be stored well by making use of this ware.

The best part is image, text, audio and video files can be uploaded and then shared with anyone using secured FTP protocols. The SMS and Email notification options also make this tool highly reliable. It is really appreciable to see how this tool go into managing of documents and files. Multiple documents can be uploaded and shared with others. The search option allows quick discovery of uploaded files. A file loaded on this software can be streamed to clients at low bandwidth.