Tag Archives: E learning

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How Best SEO Service Provider Helps to Create Social Media Presence of Your Website?

Getting high website ranking is made possible, if you choose Best SEO Service Provider, who may sense your business purpose. SEO has become game changer in terms of achieving good website ranking. It is mandatory these days that most of business owners do this to compete with market competition. However, it may not be effective if you do it on your own. On the contrary, professional SEO service providers are considered most effective to justify SEO tactics. Reason is SEO grasps endless strategies and techniques which keep changing on a consistent basis.


GA Technocare Technology has formed a dynamic SEO team who understands SEO strategies and techniques. This team also knows what internet visitors actually need. To search any information, users land on search engine pages, especially on first page of search engine results, where they can easily obtain information. If your website landing is on the first page, then it is good for your business, otherwise, you may not get desired success in business.

The Best SEO Service Provider takes control of your website to do SEO. In course of optimizing your website, the team performs the SEO tactics brilliantly. Then, the team creates quality content on website with appropriate use of keywords. Moreover, SEO team creates social media presence by promoting your website on multiple social media platforms including Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. We do right use of creating back links, which generate traffic on the website. Furthermore, our team implements other tactics for better brand visibility.

When it comes to create good online identity, GATT as Online Reputation Management Company in India is the best alternative. Hence, consider our company to expand your business successfully.

Digital Library Management System- A Fully Customizable Software to Digitalize your Library

Managing content in paper form is an old thing now. The advent of technology has diminished the use of paper in organisations eternally. Digital Library Management System offered by GA technocare technology is an appropriate example of it. Basically, it is a software suite that digitalizes your library. It facilitates users to manage the entire library through its handy interface. By using this software, you can keep a track of all books that are available and issued.


Moreover, it enables users to store entire book details from its author name to its price. It has simplified the way of issuing and returning books to a library.  Alongside, you can also check the availability status of books so that you can enlighten students about the availability of a book. If you want to reserve any book, this software eases you to do it. Digital library management system’s simple and integrated interface enables users to access the library resources.

Besides, users can maintain books, journals, photos, videos and eBooks with the help of this software. Furthermore, it benefits the organisations in so many ways. First, it is cost-effective software. Second, it helps to reduce operational cost of organisations by saving on time. No doubt, end of the day, productivity of your organisation also increases with the use of this software.

When it comes to safety of content, then it is highly-secure and reliable software in every aspect. Behind its creation or designing, an experienced team of developers from GA Technocare Technology played a crucial role. So, if you also want to digitalize your library, then have some word with our developers. At the time of conversation, you need to just share your organisational needs to our developers so that you can get the desired software.