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How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How does DMS Software Enable you to Manage Documents in a Company Easily?

GA Technocare Technology brings the most awaited facility of digital documentation as DMS Software. Using this software, you can store your documents easily in digital form. This facility does not only allow you online storing of documents but also ensures against any damage to your documents. Being in digital form, no termite can destroy documents, and if the document gets deleted unfortunately, you can restore that easily when in need by using the options provided in Digital Document Management System Software.


Being a Cloud Based Document Management Software, it allows you to access stored documents anytime irrespective of place. As Digital Document Management system stores documents in encrypted form on server, no unauthorized person can look into your documents in order to steal confidential data.

GATT offers the best available DMS system software solution that ensures you a hassle-free service by it. As any document enters in your company whether it is related to employee or company, a scanned copy of document gets uploaded on server. As DMS Software works on Optical Character Recognition OCR, you can search for the needed document by typing any keyword related to the document. Just in a blink, you will get the required file.

Cloud Based Document Management Software enables you to access your data anytime. All you have to do is to provide the needed credentials on server. This feature of Digital Document Management system software ensures the privacy of your company. Considering benefits, Digital Management System has become an intrinsic part of a company.