Tag Archives: hms

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How Professional Medical Billing Service Software Helps in Improving Patient Flow?

To improve efficiency and to increase revenue of clinic, GA technocare technology insists you to opt Professional Medical Billing Software Service. This is a fully-integrated and easy to use software. Gone are the days when paper-based medical records were the only option. It’s a digital era. This software has dramatically digitalized the medical industry. It has completely eliminated use of paper-based records from the clinic. Whether it is appointment or billing, patient portal or medical records, every task can be digitally conducted on this software.


Moreover, medical billing software is used to file claims so that reimbursements can be provided quickly to the patients. Using it, percentage of rejected claims can be also decreased.

Handling patients is the core job responsibility of healthcare providers. Often, core job of physicians gets affected due to complex medical billing process. Likewise, patients also do not get proper treatment. Everything gets unorganised in clinic. At the end of day, patient flow starts shrinking, work productivity gets hampered, and physicians face deterioration in revenue generation. s

In order to boost medical industry, engineers have designed a comprehensive and integrated Clinic Management System Software with best use of cutting-edge technology.  Once you configure this tool in your organization, efficiency and quality of service start improving gradually. From the patient point of view, it enables patients to fix appointment with doctors as per their convenient. It’s a cloud-based medical billing software. Thus, you can access it via any internet-connected.  This certified software can be obtained at reasonable price. Hence, reach us and share your clinical requirements.

Why Clinic Management System Software is Required for Patients and Clinics?

With the growth of Professional Medical Billing Service, it has become easy for patients to get their medical bills cleared up. What patients can now do is they can approach a professional company that is into the business of getting bills cleared up. All the bills of a clinic gets cleared up and patients are able to see their needs getting fulfilled.


GA Technocare Technology is in the business of helping people fulfill their monetary needs and it helps them by clearing their Medi-Claims in time. What is actually done is patients are made to understand the requirements that can get their Medi-Claims cleared. So, patients can see their Medi-claims easily getting cleared. The clinic management system software has options where patients can file requirements and see them getting completed in time.

So, what happens in profession, is the clinical management software takes charge of a situation and makes it possible for people to interact with everyone present in the clinic. Visitors coming to a clinic get to learn everything about clinical systems and whatever event takes place in a clinic. Whether it be a clinic or a hospital, this software can be deployed and used for purposes that add a great deal of convenience.

The Clinic Management System Software offers the possibility to help visitors understand all processes of the clinic. It gets things cleared up and helps patients easily understand the process and functions of a clinic. It works in an excellent way and gets clinical functions streamlined. That is why professionals love to get this system deployed in hospitals and clinics.

Clinic Management System Software Deployed to Ease Clinical Operations

Clinic Management System Software is introduced with latest innovation and this tool makes it possible for clinics to operate without facing any problems whatsoever. Clinical operations get simplified and every operation commences with ease. People coming to clinics are able to find new facilities and services rendered unto them. Every activity of the clinic gets highlighted here and patients can interact with hospital employees too.Hospital-Management-System

Booking doctors, hiring hospital beds, getting medicines, and everything else becomes easy with the use of this software tool. Professional Medical Billing Services also get delivered to patients and that makes it easy for people to get their medical bills cleared. Then doctors attending to patients also feel confident and can treat people with faith as their payment won’t get blocked.

This is why this software is recommended and in-fact hospitals have already started to install them. It helps a lot in every front and hospitals can do well in their operations. What happens is the functions of a hospital gets streamlined and every department can interact with each other easily. So, every activity of the clinic gets completed in time and patients find a service that is unparalleled.

GA Technocare Technology has taken this step to develop a software that rules. It can be deployed in all small and large sized hospitals that make them function with perfection and ease. Professionals who work in clinics really find this software very useful as this tool helps in every front of clinical operations. Nothing remains a hindrance and clinical operations get smoothened with the use of this incredible software tool.

Get Quick Access to Patient Medical Records with Use of Clinic Management System

Clinics are going paperless swiftly with adoption of Clinic Management System Software, which is a brilliant innovation for entire healthcare industry. It has benefited the physicians in numbers of ways. The main purpose of this software is to make physicians free from documentation work so that they can focus on their underlying task, i.e. patient care and treatment. If we notice that there is extensive workflow in clinics, which often seems difficult to handle for the management team. In order to simplify their job and streamline patient medical records, GA Technocare Technology has arrived with clinic management system. In essence, it helps organizations in improving efficiency, patient satisfaction, and in coordinating with other departments. On special occasions, it provides print out of diagnostic reports, patient bills, prescription details, etc.


This software system centralises entire patient medical records at one location or single database so that associate departments can easily obtain the data whenever they require. Our team of developers has designed this software in simplified manner so that users may get easy access to data. All the functions of this software help to improve the workflow of clinics. Accordingly, patients get proper treatment and doctors get detailed information quickly just because of this software. Fixing appointments with doctors has become easy now, this software lets patients to fix direct appointments with physicians at any point of time just in few clicks.

If you also want us to design this cloud-based system, then unearth your specific clinical needs with us instantly. Besides, GATT also deals in Professional Medical Billing Services. So, outsource your medical billing work to see enhancement in numbers of settled claims.

Streamline Your Administrative Tasks with Clinic Management System

To streamline communication process between physician and associate department, GA Technocare technology has crafted open-source Clinic Management System. This software eases physicians to perform their job in efficient manner. With the objective of simplifying the healthcare system, the team of developers have done big research on needs and requirements of healthcare industry. On daily basis, hundreds of activities are performed in organisations, and these activities can be performed easily by using this software.


Clinic Management System is basically used to store administrative and patient medical records in its database safely. It provides an easy access to information for physicians and authorized departments. As a cloud-based system, it centralizes the whole information at one place so that physicians and authorised departments can get easy access to information from remote location by using internet-connected devices. From patient angle, it facilitates patients to fix appointments with physicians whenever they require. Owing to arrival of this software, physicians can now focus on their underlying work, i.e. patient care.

Patient heath records stay error-free, and this is the biggest advantage of this software. Clinic Management System provides 100% accuracy in records and bills. From ecological point of view, it has done tremendous job by vanishing the use of paper.

When it comes to its use, it is designed with handy interface so that physicians and associate departments do not face any difficulty. Nevertheless, our technical team provides training and support post-delivery of software. So, physicians do not need to stay concerned about its service. On the other hand, GATT also deals in Professional Medical Billing Services. If you want to outsource your medical billing process, then this company can be a perfect option.