Tag Archives: nursing

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

Can a Clinic be managed easily using Clinic Management System Software?

Before the arrival of Clinic Management System Software, administration and management of a clinic were not easy. The doctors were unable to focus on patients and other necessary procedures simultaneously that interrupted their growth. But now, using CMSS provided by GA Technocare Technology, handling of a clinic has become easy like never before.


Clinic Management System Software assists while storing clinic related documents online over a dedicated server. As any document enters into clinic or hospital, a soft copy of it gets uploaded to server instantly. That helps in accessing the document anytime. This software keeps the record of appointment with patients, medication history of patients, and medicines available in the clinic. As all information are stored online protected with a strong password, you can access by providing required credentials.

GATT introduces useful services too for a convenient running of clinics. In this row, Professional Medical Billing Service proves to be the most beneficial outsource-based service for clinics nowadays. It has been seen that doctors cannot focus on medical billings while caring patients. Such behaviours, affect the growth of clinic. To evade from any obstacle, it is advised to outsource medical billing for a better and error free result.

Generally, insurance claim forms get rejected due to lack of information and unformatted filing. Doctors don’t keep much time to waste on filing claim forms. Here comes the need of Professional Medical Billing Service. A well-trained and experienced team of GATT is able to fill your claims in less time without any error. It will bring more income to your clinic.

Choose Professional Medical Billing Service Provider GATT for Maximum Claim Approval

In order to ensure that maximum number of submitted medical claims with insurance companies are being paid, Physicians outsource medical billing process to Professional Medical Billing Service Providers. If it is GA technocare technology, then nothing could be better than this. The medical billers and coders are the specialists who take care of medical claims so that more and more claims can be approved. Medical billing process itself holds comprehensive and complex coding, which is of-cause not easy to deal. Thus, physicians choose to outsource it.


So far, this complex coding work has affected the productivity of clinic at big extent. Owing do it, physicians do not give proper time to their underlying job, I.e. patient care. Even, patients do not get proper treatment. In order to resolve this sensitive issue, professional medical billing service providers came into existence. Our company claims to provide maximum reimbursement for the work the physicians. In this way, patients also get claim amount on time.

On the other hand, GATT also deals in software development. In order to streamline medical records, the company has developed Clinic Management System Software. This software has encrypted database, where extended patients medical records can be maintained digitally. The associate departments can easily access the data in no time due to having this software. This cloud-based system eases users to access data from anywhere via internet-connected devices. Clinic management system software can be customized with extended volume of medical records. Hence, if you yet not have digitalised your clinic and have words with our developer team.

To Reduce Billing Errors Head to Professional Medical Billing Service Provider GATT

Medical billing claims get rejected due to numbers of strange reasons but existing errors in medical claims are one of the key reasons. On contrary, if you outsource your medical billing process to Professional Medical Billing Service provider, GA technocare technology, then numbers in rejected claims can be reduced dramatically.


Besides claims get rejected if claims are not filed within date of service. Moreover, if paper code is missing to the claims, then insurance company can directly reject the claims. Your medical claims should be authorization otherwise it can also be a reason of claim rejection. Generally, such sorts of issues emerge when you handle medical billing and coding work on own. Outsourcing is the best solution in order to get rid of claim denial issues. Moreover, there are plenty of benefits you can notice by outsourcing medical billing work of your hospital.

Professional medical billing service provider GATT’s medical billers have long experienced in dealing with complex billing and coding. By outsourcing you can save huge money annually, which you spend on arranging equipments, furniture, billing software, etc.

Physicians generally battle with complex medical billing and coding work instead of handling outpatients. Outsourcing enables physicians to focus on their underlying work, i.e. handling patients. Needless to say, it helps to improve patience satisfaction. Patients flow also gets increased by outsourcing medical billing and coding work. With improvement in patient flow, revenue of clinic atomically gets increased. GATT also deals in designing Clinic Management Software System. In order to digitize patient’s medical records, this software is an appropriate option. So, get rid of paper-based medical records, and digitize your clinic with use of clinic management software system.

Clinic Management System – Launched to Help Streamline Clinical Operations

The Clinic Management System Software has a mechanism to handle clinical operations in a marvelous way. This tool is built in a way to manage clinical operations excellently without any effort. The software opens scope unto users to manage operations in a way that is desired. This tool functions in a way to help a clinic better its operations in every possible way.


GA Technocare Technology’s great insight into making of this marvelous tool has helped clinics and hospitals to take care of all their operations in a way that is most desired. Things work out fine and helps hospitals to carry on with operations without facing any hindrances. This software has the capacity to bring all hospital professionals on a single platform where they can interact with each other.

People also get to learn about new events in the organization. It may be in the form of a medical camp, visiting doctors and medical aids made available from time to time. People doing Professional Medical Billing Services can also come into direct contact with patients. So, there remains no problems left with billing. Doctors can confidently treat patients and patients too can get their medical bills cleared in time.

This software is largely in use these days in small and big hospitals. It is found to be a handy software with the capacity to take care of all clinical operations. This tool is a great guide to make clinics work according to expectations. The software has a unique capacity to streamline all operations of hospitals.

Why Clinic Management System Works Great for Hospital Management?

The Clinic Management System (CMS) is an all-inclusive information system that is designed and developed to help hospitals function better maintaining all nitty-gritties. This software is developed with the purpose to help hospitals function with an ease and to manage every aspect of clinic very efficiently.


This tool is created with a finesse that results in optimum utilization of resources of a clinic. Professionals are provided the right care and information is disseminated among all. Clinical operations get eased up with the use of this system. Doctors are informed when they have to attend to patients. Patients are also helped to get their online booking done. Professional Medical Billing Services is also completed with its help. This tool is recommended to all medical houses as with its help clinics can function much better.

GA Technocare Technology has developed this innovative tool for sound management of clinics. Hospitals, small or big, can be managed with its aid. After the installation of this software, clinics get the right reason to offer best services to patients. This tool is featured with best capabilities that make it really easy to manage clinics. The software is easy to download and after its installation all sort of clinical responsibilities can be met without facing any glitches.

Any kind of task related to clinical operations gets completed with ease. This software has the capacity to streamline processes and it makes things work fluidly in clinics so as to maintain ease of function. Hospital management is made simple and effective after the deployment of this software in hospitals.

Streamline Your Administrative Tasks with Clinic Management System

To streamline communication process between physician and associate department, GA Technocare technology has crafted open-source Clinic Management System. This software eases physicians to perform their job in efficient manner. With the objective of simplifying the healthcare system, the team of developers have done big research on needs and requirements of healthcare industry. On daily basis, hundreds of activities are performed in organisations, and these activities can be performed easily by using this software.


Clinic Management System is basically used to store administrative and patient medical records in its database safely. It provides an easy access to information for physicians and authorized departments. As a cloud-based system, it centralizes the whole information at one place so that physicians and authorised departments can get easy access to information from remote location by using internet-connected devices. From patient angle, it facilitates patients to fix appointments with physicians whenever they require. Owing to arrival of this software, physicians can now focus on their underlying work, i.e. patient care.

Patient heath records stay error-free, and this is the biggest advantage of this software. Clinic Management System provides 100% accuracy in records and bills. From ecological point of view, it has done tremendous job by vanishing the use of paper.

When it comes to its use, it is designed with handy interface so that physicians and associate departments do not face any difficulty. Nevertheless, our technical team provides training and support post-delivery of software. So, physicians do not need to stay concerned about its service. On the other hand, GATT also deals in Professional Medical Billing Services. If you want to outsource your medical billing process, then this company can be a perfect option.

Clinic Management System – Designed to Enhance Operations of Clinics

Selecting appropriate Clinic Management System Software is not an easy task. There are plenty of things, which you need to consider while looking for the software. To simply your concerns, GA Technocare Technology invites you to express your needs and requirements in terms of designing Clinic Management System Software. Basically, this software is designed to simplify the clinical operation which holds massive documentation work. As you know, physicians always play significant role in the well-being of people. Owing to emerging huge documentation work, doctors do not give proper time to the patient’s treatment.


Clinic Management System offered by GATT fulfils most requirements of physicians. It not only helps physicians but it also eases patients to schedule their appointments. This is basically a cloud-based system, which helps authorised persons to operate from remote places.

Using this clinic software can help you in so many ways. First, it diminishes the use of paper. Second, it reduces errors from patient’s medical records, and it helps to save cost, which is spent on hiring additional staff. It automatically generates medical bills, and you do not need to calculate the bills on your own. Consequently, it increases the efficiency of physicians, and by using it, doctors can concentrate on patient’s treatment. Besides, the company also offers Professional Medical Billing Services. So, if you want to see enhancement in the numbers of settled claims, then outsource your medical billing work to GA Technocare Technology. Our dynamic team of medical billers ensure positive outcomes. Results can be seen in short time.

How Clinic Management System can Keep Patients’ Health Record Error-Free?

One of the advanced software shaped by GA technocare technology is Clinic Management System. With this software, keeping patients’ records have become simple in many aspects. First, it has diminished the use of papers which was literally difficult to maintain and store. Second, it helps to access quickly the patients’ records. Along with it, doctors can easily check the entire history of the patients just in seconds. Moreover, it helps to improve the work efficiency of doctors. So, instead of getting puzzled with patients’ medical records, doctors can now focus on patient care.


Often, patients suffer vigorously when records get misplaced. So, keeping such issues of patients into consideration, this software is designed in such a way so that patients can schedule and confirm appointments over cell phone. As integrated software, it facilitates doctors to coordinate with diverse departments. Because of this ware, patients care can be done in a better way.

Instead of writing prescriptions on paper, printed prescriptions are always easy to understand. Clinic Management System reduces the chances of mistake in patients’ health records and provides error-free medical records.

In simple terms, Clinic Management System is designed to keep the entire patients records that includes, name, address, age, gender, billings, diagnostic reports and others. Earlier, keeping patients’ record was considered a Herculean task when there was no software. Thanks to Clinic Management System, now it’s quite easy to keep entire patient’s record in systematic way with the help this software. Along with this software, GA technocare technology offers Medical billing services for people who want to outsource their medical billing process. In order to eradicate errors and to see the improvement in the number of settled medical claims this software has proved useful. Therefore, reach at us for Best Professional Medical billing solutions so far.

How Professional Medical Billing Services can Simplify Patient Care?

To be with a company that offers multi-specialty Professional Medical Billing Services is needed to bring real changes in the medical billing world. Now, patients can easily find requisite care and doctors too feel relieved from the tension of medical bills getting completed in time.


There is every need to get in touch with such professional services as it is the only way out to help people in every front of healthcare billing services. To puts things in right order and to make medical services convenient it is important to get things done with the help of this professional billing service. Here dynamic team of professionals work to deliver services so that patients can easily get their Medi-claims filed. Thereafter, with the completion of the process, money gets transferred to their accounts that can be used to complete their medical bills.

It is really important to get things done in time or otherwise this may result in delay of treatment. So, to depend on GA Technocare Technology for medical billing services is vital as it can help users complete their medical claims and redirect the fund to doctors appointed by patients for their treatment.

The huge success of this professional service is highly acknowledged these days as people have started to understand that this is really rewarding and can help patients to get their Medi-claims cleared. Henceforth, their treatment too becomes easy as there remains no delays in payments and doctors start to attend to patients. So, nothing remains as a hindrance and patient care becomes simple and easy.