Tag Archives: Application

Functional Web Application Development for Your Business


Depending on the requirements of the business the web application development can be manifested in various ways. Being multifaceted, the developer needs to aware of the requisites or else a vague list of needs can be validated in various ways. However, to get the perfect solution to a problem, the issue must be assisted thoroughly.

Various applications are developed on various platforms to cater to various requirements in a specific manner so that a business can gain maximum profit out of it. The different architecture and components of development bring sustainability to the structure of the organization and thus, be given a lot of thought before deciding on which application will best suit the paradigm.

Let’s understand the various types of functional application development that companies can opt for,

Web portals – Portals are the automated outlet on the internet that support several features. They include posted content, emails, profiles, etc. The features offer self-service, thus, decreasing the overhead load of the team. Also, they are time-saving.

Enterprise web applications – This includes web-based application development. Such portals do not cater to general needs but specific needs so that employees can communicate easily and share data in a secure manner. CRM solutions are a great example of such software programs.

Business automation solutions – This refers to custom application development to assist the monotonous tasks of the day. Such programs make it easier and faster to lead the data flow among the employees with accuracy and reduced probability of errors. The accounting management software applications are one set good examples.

E-commerce web applications – Such applications are widespread and used by millions of people. They can manage the entire inventory count, purchase order, sale order, etc. the programs are highly capable of leading the business to new heights.

Microsites – This refers to website design services with the sole objective of spreading brand awareness and acquainting the world with the services of the company.


Depending on the current and future business needs, one must choose the application development such that the growing requirements can be met with a flourishing business.

Digital Marketing Strategy to Generate Business Leads

Lead generation is the sole reason behind the marketing strategies. It is the treasure to which every organization has to reach no matter which road they take.

The most challenging aspect of every business is generating leads whether by ad campaigns or content marketing. Any organisation build a digital marketing strategy are built around creating user queries so that maximum sales conversions can take place.In order to persuade buyers into purchasing the products and services, one has to dive deep and follow the traces of the best practices to generate fruitful leads.Let’s have a ride across some of the advice shared by experts,

Digital Marketing Strategy

Co-marketing with similar business – Many companies do not understand but co-marketing has ample benefits along with generating leads in a shorter span of time. You can target your as well as the audience of the partners and collectively make good money.

Use social media marketing – Render the services of social media. It is among the best tools and generates leads regularly if the audience is targeted correctly. As per the survey, most of the businesses have been found to generate more than 60% of leads through social media platforms.

Build relations with influencers – Influencers in every industry hold a great impact on the audience. If you have friendly relations with them then they can help in promoting your business and create a buzz around. Not only business will grow but the brand image will also be developed.

Run referral programs – The digital marketing services providers suggest asking the customers to leave review and testimonials so that other buyers can make an informed decision. Also, referrals programs are a great way to entice the users into downloading or purchasing your product.

Final say:-

As long as you are clear of the aim of your marketing strategy, you can generate enormously high and quality leads for your business. Also, the content and medium of marketing play a crucial role. Therefore, it is advised by the experts to be cautious while planning a campaign.

How Human Resource Management Software Digitises HR Activities?

Since GATT has ventured into IT solutions, the company has delivered hundreds of software successfully to multiple organisations in form of HRMS, CRM, DMS, and ERP. Human resource department is the one that battles with complex activities like payroll system, leave management, recruitment process, etc. In order to automate HR activities, the company has introduced Human Resource Management Software that is a one-stop solution for most of HR activities. Basically, it has central repository that is used to store employee data.

When it comes to features of HRMS software, Employee-self-service is the best one that allows employee to makes changes and updates the personal information in the database so that HR manager can stay updated with the employee current status.

Hunting employee for the company is the top job responsibility of HR manager. This software lets manager to record candidate details. When it comes to reviewing the performance, it enables HR managers to tap into the information available on system without having to dig through paper-based records.

The finest team of developers is on the board so that best-in-class HRMS software can be developed. If you put light of long-term advantages of using this HR system, you see it has smoothened the workflow of company. Similarly, it has reduced the chances of errors that remain the subject of big concern for HR manager. By eliminating use of paper-based records, it has reduced the overhead costs of company to a great extent. Thus, adopting and implementing Human resource management software system, you can digitalises the organisation eternally.

How SEO Services Company Assists in Providing a Higher Ranking to any Website?

SEO Services assist in a better reach to the targeted audience by bringing more traffic to a website. Nowadays, SEO has become an essential operation for an effective digital marketing and this is the reason businessmen are approaching this service. Regarding this, GATechnocare Technology is an SEO Services Company that is favourite of many clients.

This company has a wide team of SEO professionals and they are able to build an invincible marketing strategy to capture more customers for clients. In SEO process, SEO Services Company uploads contents over the internet. Contents contain keywords related to the business to create traffic in database and search engines consider it popular and trusted.

There are many SEO Services Companies in India but GATT claims to provide a fully-satisfactory service. In past days, it has created a golden history of successful projects. For an excellent digital marketing, this company provides Online Reputation Management, ORM too. In this model of digital marketing, all bad remarks and negative reviews by customers are removed from the internet so that a clean image of the brand can be created.

For a complete digital marketing, SEO and ORM are key processes. In SEO package, this company offers Social Media Management too for a direct interaction with customers in order to introduce new products or to provide a better customer support.

How Human Resource Management Software Helps to go Paperless?

Since GATT has commenced its business the company has gained a good momentum by delivering thousands of software to the multiple clients across the globe. HRMS is one such software that the company has delivered to various organisations. As the software has reduced the human effort, the Human Resource Management Software also done the same by digitising the complex activities of human resource departments. These activities can be recognised in form of payroll system, attendance & leaves reimbursement, performance management system, etc.

Basically, it has multiple modules, where one can perform different HR activities respectively. On the other hand, it’s a cloud-based system, where entire data is being stored on the cloud. This helps in protecting the data in the event of network failures and system crashes.

In order to ease the employees, the company has added Employee-Self-Service feature in this software. This feature allows employees to update their information like name and address. As everyone knows, payroll is the most complex activity when it comes to analyse HR work. This software has automated payroll system. HR managers can directly get the acute information regarding employee total salary, leave, attendance, and reimbursement.

Centralised repository of this software can be expanded with increasing volume of employee information.  Makers of Human Resource Management Software took months in order to do proper research and analysis so that the best software can be developed. After considering all aspects of HR operation, the company has developed this software. Thus, if you want to streamline your business process and want to go paperless, kindly start using HRMS software offered by software development company GATT.

How Does Library Management System Assist in a Better handling of Libraries?

As the world is heading towards being digitalized, technology has covered every functional area and has increased the productivity by reducing efforts. In this chain, GA Technocare Technology introduces Library Management System that is able to provide you an effortless way of managing and administrating your library digitally. This system does not saves your money, but also enables you in setting up a big library insignificantly small place.

Usually, academic bodies such as schools and colleges are supposed to provide library facilities to its students. Depending on the size of school or college and students, the size of library could be giant. In lack of physical space, it is impossible to arrange a big library. But, Library Management System provides a digital way of library irrespective the number of students. This system just needs a system and a dedicated server to be set up. All the information, books, projects, and files can be stored on server to be accessed by students anytime.

GATT offers Digital Library Management Software at an affordable cost for both either small or big set up of the digital library. In digital library, all students are provided a unique set of username and password to login on the server in order to access digital library. Access by every individual student remains recorded on the server that provides full control on the students the library can decide that which data can be accessed and which cannot. Library management Software has eased the management of a library to its minimum.

How does DMS Software Enable you to Manage Documents in a Company Easily?

GA Technocare Technology brings the most awaited facility of digital documentation as DMS Software. Using this software, you can store your documents easily in digital form. This facility does not only allow you online storing of documents but also ensures against any damage to your documents. Being in digital form, no termite can destroy documents, and if the document gets deleted unfortunately, you can restore that easily when in need by using the options provided in Digital Document Management System Software.


Being a Cloud Based Document Management Software, it allows you to access stored documents anytime irrespective of place. As Digital Document Management system stores documents in encrypted form on server, no unauthorized person can look into your documents in order to steal confidential data.

GATT offers the best available DMS system software solution that ensures you a hassle-free service by it. As any document enters in your company whether it is related to employee or company, a scanned copy of document gets uploaded on server. As DMS Software works on Optical Character Recognition OCR, you can search for the needed document by typing any keyword related to the document. Just in a blink, you will get the required file.

Cloud Based Document Management Software enables you to access your data anytime. All you have to do is to provide the needed credentials on server. This feature of Digital Document Management system software ensures the privacy of your company. Considering benefits, Digital Management System has become an intrinsic part of a company.

Why Approach Custom Software Development Company GATT?

Features and UI of software vary according to the choice of clients. That is why the need of customized software exists. We support freedom of our client in terms of choice and provide the best resources for your desired software. First, we understand your need and figure out the best way to meet your needs to reality. Only after a thorough study, the design of your software is enriched. We keep the quality maintained at each stage during the development of software, from design to product release that makes us the best Software Development Company in Noida.


Our company GA Technocare Technology was founded in 2011 and is. Since the time, it has come a long way in developing software. It is a leading company that dares to commit. The organization has achieved more than 12 awards for its outstanding and brilliant services. The hard work of company made itself a brand in the field of technical services and is one of the best software development company in Noida.

The company provides various services like SEO, RPO, CRM, CMS & application, software, and website development. Offering you a complete range of strategic IT services is our motto but customization of software for you is specialization of our Custom Software Development Company.

If you are in business and want related custom software or application, GATT is your destination. We assure you to provide the best services to fulfill your goal and need. To hand over the project at time is a result of hard work by our well trained technical team. Software Development Company is known for delivering brilliance and quality custom software for you so that your company or organization can flourish in fast pacing digital world.

Why GA Technocare Technology is Best When it Comes to SEO Service Provider

In modern era, most of internet users prefer to explore search engines to find any information of their use. This phenomenon is sufficient to determine the significance of SEO. Likewise, if you are running your business through your website, then you must be aware about the importance of traffic on your website. To bring your website into To bring your website into notice of search engines, you must seek for Best SEO Service Provider.


In fact, you do not need to wander anywhere else because GA Technocare Technology is already here for you to provide SEO service that is outstanding. We believe in matching ourselves with industry standards by offering best SEO service. In the meantime, we have provided SEO service to multiple clients for improving their website ranking. Consequently, business persons place their trust in our SEO service because we do not let them down anyhow. Our advanced approach, business strategies, required involvement towards our clients

Our advanced approach, business strategies, required involvement towards our clients lead to enhance website ranking successfully. So, our company urges you to opt for our Software Development Company to enhance your business through our SEO service.


As we know, the world is getting crimped on internet. To get noticed and to keep people talking about your company, website promotion is very important. So, your website ranking and its reputation always matters to sustain in the market for long.  Being Online Reputation Management Company in India, GATT helps you to create good reviews about your website on multiple platforms.

Our Online Reputation Management Service helps to remove bad reputation about you and create your good identify among viewers. Hence, head to GATT for Online Reputation Management and SEO service to lift your business to new heights.

GA Technocare Technology, An Optimistic Company That Offers Healthcare & Professional Medical Billing Services

GA Technocare Technology caters Healthcare & Professional Medical Billing Services to assist healthcare providers who are looking for medical billing process outsourcing. Medical billing process requires billers and coders who can carry out the entire medical claims work appropriately. The prime motto of physicians remain focused in curing patients instead of wasting time in documentation work. So, they outsource billing process to medical billing service providers.


Besides, Professional Medical Billing Services ensure accuracy in work, and degradation in claim denials, which finally increase the work productivity. Thus, in order to get exact and result-oriented outcome, physicians generally seek for Medical billing outsourcing. GATT has created a team of professional billers and coders who have myriad of experience in providing Medical Billing Services. Our service helps physicians to increase their productivity and profitability. In addition, GATT’s medical billing service assists physicians to tackle the insurance bearers conveniently.

There are many misconceptions among healthcare providers about the less reliable Professional Medical Billing Services which need to be articulated. First, many physicians believe that they collect wrong patient data which actually is not true. Physicians consider it a less trustworthy and time consuming process. Thus, we insist you visit our GA Technocare Technology.  Moreover, you can have direct word with our professional billers and coders on 0120-6500-581.

GATT is basically a Software Development Company in India that is in the business of providing medical billing services too. Our company’s medical billing service is renowned for its easy transaction and medical billing process. Being a well-known company, we also extend other services to our clients such as web-development, web design, RPO and IT consulting services. We ensure 100% satisfaction to our clients with our esteemed services.